The superconducting transformer of the Samsung Superconductor Test Facility (SSTF)
The superconducting transformer of the Samsung Superconductor Test Facility (SSTF) / Sungkeun Baang; Hyunjung Choi; Keeman Kim; Sangbo Kim; Yongjin Kim; Hyunki Park; Qiuliang Wang; Boev, A.I.; Ivanov, D.P.; Keilin, V.E.; Kovalev, I.A.; Kruglov, S.L.; Lysenko, V.V.; Shchegolev, I.O.; Shcherbakov, V.I.; Shugaev, I.O.; Surin, M.I.; Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, March 2001. – Pages: 1494-1497.